Setiap anak kecil tampaknya pernah punya pertanyaan yang sama : seperti apakah wujud Tuhan? Seberapa besarkah Tuhan? Saya sendiri waktu kecil membayangkan Tuhan seperti sesorang yang berjubah dengan tudung menutup kepala yang membuat wajahnya tak kelihatan. Setelah dipikir-pikir ternyata ini akibat nonton film di TV jaman dulu dimana tokoh pendeta maupun malaikat (bahkan kadang juga iblis, pokoknya semua yang spiritual) digambarkan seperti itu. Istri saya sama saja, dia membayangkan Tuhan seperti seorang manusia besar sekali memakai songkok (kopiah) dan sedang jongkok mengamati bumi. Hehe, lucu betul…
Agus Mustofa memberikan gambaran lebih ‘realistis’ wujud Tuhan.Kurang lebih begini (dengan bahasa saya) : kita sudah tahu berapa besar bumi ini (bahkan sudah ada fotonya dari luar angkasa). Kita baru mampu memperkirakan bentuk galaksi Bima Sakti dimana tata surya kita berada. Galaksi Bima Sakti ini hanya satu dari milyaran atau mungkin trilyunan galaksi di alam semesta ini. Besarnya alam semesta kira-kira seluas ilustrasi ini. Bila alam semesta kita anggap sebesar bola bumi, maka tata surya kita (dari matahari sampai Pluto) cuma sebesar satu sel bakteri!
Anggap bentuk alam semesta itu bulat, dan kita bisa gambarkan tepi-tepinya. Pertanyaan : ada apakah di luar bola alam semesta ini?
Nah, Tuhan lebih besar dari alam semesta itu.
dikutip dari
Segala sesuatu di dunia ini pasti berhubungan dengan Sang Pencipta dan jiwa manusia itu sendiri ......
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
How To Behave And Why -- Chapter WISE
get along with people and we make good friends
when we have polite manners like :
Shaking hands when we meet.
* *
Smiling and saying “good morning” or “good afternoon” or else.
* *
Saying “goodbye” when we leave and thanking people when
they have been nice to us.
* *
Saying ”Please” when we want something and “Excuse me” or
“I beg your pardon,” when we bump into something, or belch or yawn or cough or sneeze.
( And when we yawn or cough we cover our mouths. )
* *
Waiting for other people to finish talking before we start.
* *
Letting ladies and girls be “first”.
* *
Helping very old and very young people as much as we can, and being quiet and gentle
when we are them.
* *
Eating quietly without sprawling and grabbing or quarreling at the table. Asking to be excused when we have finished eating and are ready to leave.
* *
Being quiet and orderly when we go to places where there are a lot of other people – like libraries, movies or museums, theatres or classrooms, or in trains, street cars or busses.
* *
By never acting as though we were the only people in the world who counted, and never acting fresh and showing off to make people believe that we think we are better than they are.
“ I
can’t always be right
no matter who I am”
is a good thing for all
of us to remember.
Others people have ideas and thoughts
ways to do things
ways to work
ways to play
ways they think of GOD
and their country
and their race.
Their way can be just as right
as your way.
Remember that, and be glad you
have a chance to choose
the best of all ways.
Together in a boat is a lot like learning to live with other people and be happy.
We learn to obey and
after a while we
learn to command
and help to make
the world a
better place
for all of us.
of the book is
what this is,
and if
to be
Then you have learned
Saturday, February 11, 2006
How To Behave and Why - Chapter STRONG
People think that being strong
is just a matter of having muscle like a gorilla.
But they are wrong.
That alone never made anybody happy.
Real strength comes from having a clean,
healthy mind and a clean, healthy body.
it out for yourself.
All the power of sixty gorillas won’t do you any good
if you use it stupidly,
and if you don’t stay healthy
you might as well be a run down.
Any brave man or woman
can tell you that having a clean healthy mind comes
from taking the time to think what is right
and then doing it no matter how scared you are or
when it would be easier to do wrong or even
if somebody else tries to talk you into it.
habits are the answer to the question :
How can we grow from a weak baby to a strong
and healthy man or woman ?
Eating the right food when we should.
Keeping clean
Playing and exercising
Sitting and standing right and
Getting the right amount of sleep and rest are
Course you can argue
With people who know better than you, but it’s stupid.
Doctors and scientists study and learn what is the best way to keep ourselves healthy.
Our fathers and mothers learn from them and tell us.
They know a lot more than we do,
and if we are bright, we do what they tell us to.
Is the best time
to start doing what you are told to do
for you own good health.
You can ask your parents to tell you
They want you to obey,
Don’t Nag
every time you just don’t want to do what is right.
Grown ups
aren’t some kinds
of weird monsters
that have fun
making us do things
we don’t want to do.
They just know a
Whole lot more than we do
Because they have been here longer.
to what they tell you
and you will be surprised how right
they usually are.
We all are different in many ways,
we are all alike in many ways too.
If we are
We won’t find it hard to be wise.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
How To Behave and Why - Chapter FAIR
People find it easy to be FAIR.
Being friendly and being fair both come from believing
that other people have just as much right
to be alive and happy as we have.
The man or woman or boy or girl
who goes around gloomy,with a sour face
and is afraid that everybody else is going to make him
or her unhappy has a very hard time making friends.
There are a lot of nice people everywhere and the sooner we meet each other in a friendly way and get to know each other, the better the world will be for all of us.
You go with a smile and wish to like people,
you will find someone who will be glad to see you.
From Africa to the Artic Circle this is so.
People everywhere are like yourself in many ways
and most of them want to share happiness
and the good things of life with others
if you will do the same.
Get up in the morning where you are
and go to school or play or work or parties
or new places glad to meet new people
and make old friend of them.
You own home is a good
Place to begin every dayBy being fair.
Our mother and fathers and sisters
and brothers make wonderful friends,
if we treat them fairly and
do our share to make home a happy place for everyone there.
Helping to keep it neat and clean
Sharing the work that has to be done.
Being quiet when others need peace.
And giving others just as much right as
you have to enjoy themselves with or without you—
There are all ways of being Fair
and ways to make people glad you live with them
from the time you wake in the morning
until you pleasantly, cheerfully go to bed.
the secret of fairness is sharing.
Selfish people who won’t share with others
find themselves left alone and unhappy
no matter ehat they own that could be fun.
Look out for the person who pretends
to be your friend but doesn’t want you to like anyone else.
That isn’t a friend –
it’s a selfish person who is trying to own you
and hasn’t learned to share to be happy.
Poor sports who can’t lose games without squawking
or won’t take turns are not fair
Neither is the lazy lump
who never share the work that
has to be done by someone.
We know now what it means to be FAIR.
and we learn all through life
that the friendly person is a happy person most of the time.
People find it easy to be FAIR.
Being friendly and being fair both come from believing
that other people have just as much right
to be alive and happy as we have.
The man or woman or boy or girl
who goes around gloomy,with a sour face
and is afraid that everybody else is going to make him
or her unhappy has a very hard time making friends.
There are a lot of nice people everywhere and the sooner we meet each other in a friendly way and get to know each other, the better the world will be for all of us.
You go with a smile and wish to like people,
you will find someone who will be glad to see you.
From Africa to the Artic Circle this is so.
People everywhere are like yourself in many ways
and most of them want to share happiness
and the good things of life with others
if you will do the same.
Get up in the morning where you are
and go to school or play or work or parties
or new places glad to meet new people
and make old friend of them.
You own home is a good
Place to begin every dayBy being fair.
Our mother and fathers and sisters
and brothers make wonderful friends,
if we treat them fairly and
do our share to make home a happy place for everyone there.
Helping to keep it neat and clean
Sharing the work that has to be done.
Being quiet when others need peace.
And giving others just as much right as
you have to enjoy themselves with or without you—
There are all ways of being Fair
and ways to make people glad you live with them
from the time you wake in the morning
until you pleasantly, cheerfully go to bed.
the secret of fairness is sharing.
Selfish people who won’t share with others
find themselves left alone and unhappy
no matter ehat they own that could be fun.
Look out for the person who pretends
to be your friend but doesn’t want you to like anyone else.
That isn’t a friend –
it’s a selfish person who is trying to own you
and hasn’t learned to share to be happy.
Poor sports who can’t lose games without squawking
or won’t take turns are not fair
Neither is the lazy lump
who never share the work that
has to be done by someone.
We know now what it means to be FAIR.
and we learn all through life
that the friendly person is a happy person most of the time.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
How To Behave and Why -- Chapter Honest
People tell the truth
Other people know that
when they say something is so,
they can believe it
Now that is very handy,
because if you honest and promise to do something,
others will trust you.
They will share things with you tell you secrets,
lend you money,
and help you do many of
the things you want to do ---
They know that what you promise
And what you say
is true.
They can count on it.
A dope will tell a lie.
One of the quickest ways to lose your friends
and to make people dislike you is to lie
Some people think they can be smart
and fool others when they tell a lie –
but sooner or later the truth usually is found out
and the liar is sorry
because he knows
he won’t be trusted or believed the next time.
This one says his baby sister broke that mirror.
Would you trust him and want him for a friend ?
what to do with a person who doesn’t tell the truth
How can you believe a word they say ?
Even if they do tell the truth part of the time,
how can you know which times they mean it
and which times they don’t ?
No – we can’t say that just one little lie doesn’t count
It counts every time and
people can’t really know us
and like us unless they can believe what we say
Time we tell a lie
we mix ourselves up more
After a while almost no one will believe us –
but worse that that ----
We can’t believe ourselves or anyone else,
because we don’t really know
what the truth is any more that a turtle
And that is a stupid way to live
As anyone call tell you
Is something honest people don’t do
Taking things that
don’t belong to you is a sure way
to get into trouble and be unhappy
Good people can’t let bad people
take things from others secretly or by force
If they did the world would be a miserable place for everyone.
Nothing we own would be safe.
Grownups who steal are put in jail in almost every country
and that is one way a person loses
all his friends for a long long time
Is another way to make people dislike you
that is half like lying and half like stealing ---
and it’s just as bad as either of them.
That is
In playing games
Working at school
Trading things or buying or selling the person
who cheats will make enemies of those he cheats
and other people won’t like or trust him.
Nothing we get by cheating is worth what we lose with our friends.
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